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Creativity Extinguished
Citation:   iNfRA P.. "Creativity Extinguished: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp12815)". May 13, 2008.

7.0 g oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
It all started on a Friday when I was home from school on a day off. I was fresh out of my usual substance for getting intoxified, marijuana. I was bored out of my mind. There was nothing to do, nowhere to go. It was time to experiment. I had read that nutmeg would get you messed up, but I had no idea.

I found an 1 oz jar of this that was 1/4 full. I consumed the whole thing, hating each grainly gulp of it. I knew it was going to be a while before it kicked in so I watched tv for about 45 mins. After that I decided to work on a paper I had to write. After staring at the computer and back at a book for about 30 mins, I realized that I could not think of one thing 2 write. I usually could go on about nothing for hours but this was different. It was like there was a lock on my brain and I couldn't think.

I left the computer because I was starting 2 get a headache so I took 2 advils and went to my room. I sat down at my desk with a pen in my hand and a blank sheet of paper in front of me. I WANTED to draw. I WANTED to write but nothing would come out. It was extremely aggravating.

The nutmeg was starting to really kick in. I laid down in my bed with the ceiling fan lights on. I remember staring at them and noticing that they kept getting briter and briter, until they were so bright they hurt my eyes. I turned the light off and returned to the bed. As I was sitting in the dark room I started to get some closed eye visuals which I would describe as electric. As time progressed I could identify shapes and then objects as they floated through my head. I was really enjoying them and time kept flying by. Six hours I was laying in my bed before my mom woke me up to eat dinner.

As soon as I got up I got the biggest head rush. Everything started spinning and my stomach felt like it was turning inside out. As soon as I layed back down, I was fine. I tried to make it upstairs to the kitchen but wound up on the bathroom floor. The rest of the night is really a blur, but I remained sick for Saturday and Sunday with a fever. I don't know if I got sick and that caused the feelings, or if it was induced by the nutmeg, but I was perfectly fine by Tuesday. Overall it was a bad experience and definatly not worth it for the visuals.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12815
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 13, 2008Views: 11,764
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Nutmeg (41) : Health Problems (27), Hangover / Days After (46), Multi-Day Experience (13), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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