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A Journey Through the Mind
Citation:   Toansere. "A Journey Through the Mind: An Experience with Cannabis (exp12335)". Feb 5, 2021.

Repeated hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
Before this night I had merely experienced the regular stoner high; just feeling out of it, staring at things,relaxation, munchies, etc. But this night was different. I had a mind blowing experience and took, what I'd refer to as, a journey through my mind.

It was a couple of nights after Christmas, and I had finally gotten some money. Being jobless for some time, and after the recent semi-formal at my school my financial status was little more than $1.65 saved up in the bank. I was given about $100, and decided that $40 should go to some weed.

The next night a few of my friends and I went to our friend's (we'll call him 'A'). 'A's parents were hardly ever home and we frequently got drunk and smoked sessions up there, not to mention the fact that his neighbour was pretty much my only reliable, constant source for bud. Anyways, I went to 'A's neighbours first and picked up a nice, fat half-quarter. It's smell was intense and stunk up every room it was in, even though it was still in its baggie. After watching the Simpsons and playing some Playstation the four of us decided to have a session. 'A' grabbed his brothers bong and we went out on the porch.

The four of us sat around in the circle of chairs passing on the bong after each hit. The resin covered nug burned incredibly slow, in fact I had never seen marijuana burn so slow. After nearly an hour long session we had smoked only about half of the original 40 bag. While sitting down I had not felt much, just light-headedness and the cold December air getting to me. But as soon as I stood up it hit me. My legs almost gave out totally and I stumbled knocking over 2 lawn chairs. As I finally got through the patio door another thing affected me; the heat inside the house. The instant I got through the door my skin felt the warm air rush over me like the surf moving up onto the beach and I got a full body tingleling sensation.

We made a quick stop in the kitchen to get some drinks because I had gotten a serious case of the pasties. After that we made our ways downstairs and I threw myself onto 'A's couch in his room. I fell into a half asleep state and awoke to see my friends were watching some Tom Hanks movie that I had little interest in. I then went back into my half-asleep trance like mode.

Now what happened next is what made this experience stick out. My trance was changed into a feeling which can be described as wide awake but not awake in this world. It began with closed eye visuals. I began to see things, such as faces or objects transforming into other things. At first it was simple subjects that meant nothing to me, but eventually the things that had taken up most of attention over the recent weeks also took the attention of these visions. Women and other things were transformed in my mind from non-living objects. One vision included a naked woman turning into a car, and then the car dissolved into 2 separate puddles; a black one and a white one. They simultaneously made faces.
One vision included a naked woman turning into a car, and then the car dissolved into 2 separate puddles; a black one and a white one. They simultaneously made faces.
The black puddle turned into an angel. The white into an evil face I can only see as being the devil. That vision startled me and I found myself tumbling head first through a huge winding tunnel and I jolted as I awoke from the trance.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12335
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 5, 2021Views: 636
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Cannabis (1), Dreams (85) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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