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Redesigning Dreams
Citation:   Lucid Dragon. "Redesigning Dreams: An Experience with Kava (exp11747)". Dec 22, 2020.

5 tablets oral Kava (pill / tablet)
It was about 9:45pm on a Wednesday night. I was so fucking bored and restless it was not funny. And I was flat broke with no weed. But I had just remembered my uncle gave me 6 kava kava tablets the other day. So I thought what the heck and I slammed em all down in one hit lol. While I was still awake I was laying in bed with some ambient Japanese music on, just to make the atmosphere nicer :) I felt like I needed to sleep because I was so damn comfortable! So I fell asleep.

I dreamt all night long for 12 hours straight. My dreams where incredible none other like I've had before. They were all totally different and did not relate to each other at all. One of them I was at the beach with my old school mates and the water was crystal clear and the weather was exquisite. It was like Dolphin Park on Wave Race 64 :) and at one stage I was wake boarding and another I was body boarding and at other stages I was blasting of waves high into the air. Incredible! It felt so real it was truly amazing I could feel the wind going through my hair and I could feel the water dripping off my body. I even felt cold at some stages.

I had 4-5 other dreams that where so incredible I didn't want to wake up they all felt so real! But I also has a dramatic dream that was bad too. About this girl I sent a sms message to then suddenly she wanted me dead and that the whole asian mafia was out to kill me! And they even sent a message to me! It was quite scary because I was so sure it was happening for real. Although it wasn't. I woke up looking at my phone checking for messages... that weren't there haha :)

But overall, I had the best sleep I've had in a loooooong time and the best dreams I've EVER had. It's worth giving a try and I'm definitely doing it doubt. Next time will be in a drink or with sum weed ;)

Enjoy peoples :)


Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 11747
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 22, 2020Views: 751
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Kava (30), Dreams (85) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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