Seal Civilization
25B-NBOH & Deschloroketamine
Citation:   lilseal. "Seal Civilization: An Experience with 25B-NBOH & Deschloroketamine (exp115895)". Dec 5, 2021.

T+ 0:00
1 hit buccal 25B-NBOH (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 0:30   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:30   smoked Tobacco  
  T+ 0:00 30 mg   Deschloroketamine (powder / crystals)
Previous Experiance (Salvia, LSD, LSA, DOC, DOM, 2cb, Ketamine, 3MEOPCP, DXM, MXP, Psilocybin, DMT, Blue Lottus, K2, Weed, DPH, Other Nboh and NBome Ect....) I cant remember them all

Setting: Cape Cod National Seashore

One summer day my girlfriend, who we will call Lucy, enters my car with smiles and beauty emanating from her being. We drive into the golden morning preparing to enter a whole new world full of wonder and perfect mathematical geometry. We are quite seasoned with the variety of psychoactive substances that allow us to see past the fabric of reality.

Once we arrive at our usual parking spot, I pull out a small baggie containing paper tabs with 25b-nboh labeled on each tab as it was acquired from a large RC vendor. Along with another bag of Deschloroketamine which I hastefully dosed out on a micro scale. I measured out roughly 30mg for myself then another for Lucy. We then proceed to place the tab into our gums as it does not absorb if you swallow the tab.

Hiking along the pine forest the very first signs of the substances make their appearance, tingling electricity flows through my stomach across my body growing in influence as the time slowly passes. Excited that we were finally getting to our destination we light up Newport cigarettes, the nicotine calms down any anxiety that was building up to that point. It has been only 30 minutes since dosing and we got to our beach spot, the sun now beating us relentlessly as we set up our encampment. I pull out my palestinian head wrap and place it on the soft sand which we begin to notice feels like silk. The visuals at this moment begin to kick in, the sand makes squares then expand into crystal structures that pattern into infinity as you stare into the abyss. I fill my bong then load the bowl with tobacco and weed. The milky smoke fills our lungs with the universe's love.

The visuals transform, and morph into images of perfection. The colors lit up in my eyes like a kaleidoscope of new stimulation, there are no words that can describe such beauty. Realizing that the peak is coming quick, we throw off our clothes and remain in our swim equipment (bathing suits). Running into the crashing waves the cold hydration splashes violently into the shore dragging us in with rushing force. The all encompassing water forces acceptance of this new state, I quickly forget who I am, where I am, and why I am but all that matters is the patterns of love that fill my vision and the dissociation quickly disconnects me.
I quickly forget who I am, where I am, and why I am but all that matters is the patterns of love that fill my vision and the dissociation quickly disconnects me.
I am floating in the water staring into the colorful swirling texture which then expands into a world of tall structures, many with intricate architecture that rival that of science fiction movies or depictions. Then I awake to a splash and choking on water I look around to see Lucy smiling in euphoric glee that I rarely see. I swim to her and hold her close to me. The colors enhance further and the geometry becomes much more turbulent. Her face looks like the most beautiful human I have ever layed eyes on she is glowing in the crystal blue waters. Then a seal pops its head out about 3 feet away from mine, sniffing. The skin of the seal was flowing like a gif with high frame rate. The seal then comes closer and more of them appear. We were in a whole gang of them they swam all around us and greeted us like they were dogs.

I began to cry from happyness seeing that the animals of the sea loved us as we loved the earth. I then kiss Lucy with all my love and the seals splash around more then they all gather around us, and depart off to another part of the ocean. The sand dunes were melting into each other and into the earth. I floated on my back and left my body seeing the ocean flowing as if I were on Google Earth. I have been yet to get such visuals except from salvia it was very strong.

After at least 3 hours tripping nut sack in the ocean we come back to shore shrivelled like a dried grape cause of being in the water soo long. We then hiked about another mile to a ladder which took us up to rich people properties that we usually use to get to trails. Well they were finally back for the summer and did not take too kind when soaking wet, dirty poor people with massive pupils walked by their estate which has a public marked trail right next to it, soo we thought it was ok. But then they come out of the house "YOU CANT BE HERE IM CALLING THE POLICE" and my inner proletariat working class could not hold back in that state. All fear left me as I sing the "Internationale" (Lryics: Arise ye workers of oppression, arise ye prisoners of want. Don't cling soo hard to your possessions for you have nothing if you have no rights!!!) and Lucy is now crying thinking we are in trouble. We then flee into the woods where we then hear sirens, which we later found out were for a giant fire at some house nearby lol. Soo it sounded like the national guard was after us and we keep fleeing like true communist partisans. The geometry was very present and the forest breathed and morphed with the singing of the songs of the working class which I sung to keep my hopes high. After our escape we found the main trails where we then found our way back to the car where we finally came down and went off into the sunset.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115895
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Dec 5, 2021Views: 899
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25B-NBOH (614) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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