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ADHD Relief Without Being an Ass
Citation:   Targz. "ADHD Relief Without Being an Ass: An Experience with Cyclazodone (exp115371)". Erowid.org. Jun 6, 2021. erowid.org/exp/115371

30 mg   Cyclazodone
For the past 8 or 9 months I've been using the functional stimulant Cyclazodone to treat my ADHD, and I must say it's absolutely wonderful.

Let's start over. Waaaay over. I was 4 years old when I took my first 5mg Adderall dose. Four. From then on I've had photographic memory. I was switched to Ritalin at age 6, but I went back to Adderall in high school for a couple years and back to Ritalin my senior year and in college, where I was bumped up to the maximum of 60mg and abused it quite heavily, often purchasing additional doses. I'm worthless without stimulants, yet they make me an absolute ass. They were a necessary evil to maintain even the most basic level of functioning. Without them, watching TV or reading a book for 5 minutes or more was impossible. I can say for a fact stimulants have ruined my life, however. They cause me to ignore people to focus on things that interest me, they make me irritable, and worst of all they curse me with an irresistable compulsion to correct every incorrect piece of information that leaves someone's mouth and argue with them about it until they either give up on the topic or me entirely. They also wreak havoc on my romantic relationships, causing me to become excessively overattached, project perfection onto potential partners, become paranoid, and accuse those closest to me (partners, friends, and family) of having ulterior motives of the most sinister nature.

Cyclazodone is different.

Cyclazodone is wonderful.

Cyclazodone is a stimulant that I don't even know is there until I realize I have no urge to sleep if I take too much. If I take too much I'll also feel very anxious and uncomfortable, but the therapeutic window is very forgiving. I'm a long time stim. A single 30mg dose of cyclazodone is enough to last me the whole day usually.
A single 30mg dose of cyclazodone is enough to last me the whole day usually.
Cyclazodone is an excellent eugeroic and appetite suppresant. Cyclazodone has almost none of the typical mood effects of stimulants, and acts more as an antidepressant than a stimulant. It has a bit of the task lock/hyperfocus issue which can be mitigated by lowering the dosage to the lowest effective dose, but the social side effects of cyclazodone are so much more forgiving than any prescription stimulant I've ever encountered. I feel like I have a chance at social relationships again, and my family can bear to be around me, which is difficult both on and off of stimulants. Cyclazodone is also no joke if you really need stimulants. I have a family member who is an ex heavy amphetamine addict and finds Cyclazodone helpful.

Cyclazodone is pretty bad recreationally, but it's a great drug for ADHD, cognition, and focus and it's one of the more creative stims I've encountered. Cyclazodone has an incredibly low potential for paranoia or delusions compared to other stimulants in my experience, and provides incredible clarity during sleep deprivation much more impressively than traditional stimulants. There's almost no rush or euphoria that accompanies cyclazodone, it's just very clean energy and focus with a tendency to ignore negative thought patterns. The long half life also lends itself nicely to no crashing, but it's not impossible to fall asleep if I take it too late in the day either due to a lack of adrenergic effects.

TL;DR Rating for ADHD
Cyclazodone Rating: 9/10 ; This stimulant is a fucking GEM for genuine ADHD treatment. Stacks incredibly well with memantine.

Compared to other ADHD Medications and Stimulants:
[D-]Methylphenidate Formulations: 6/10 ; best prescription stimulant I've tried, still nothing on Cyclaz
[D-]Amphetamine Formulations: 5.5/10 ; Close second for best Rx. Better mood and motivation, but MPH wins for cognition and memory.
Propylhexedrine: 4/10 ; Best social/empathogenic effects. Makes me the life of the party. The girls will flock to me and I'll know just how to flirt with them. Yeah, the hangover's accurate too. Not recommended for the price per dose, peripheral effects, potential for toxicity, comedown, and hellish after effects. Wins the prize for most likely to cause perceptual distortions and psychosis, particularly on the comedown.
Cocaine: 3/10 ; What a fucking overrated drug. Duration is garbage, euphoria is overhyped, numbs the back of my throat, short duration, makes me way too horny to get anything done.
Atomoxetine (Strattera) 0/10 ; Don't.

No Rating: Guanfacine, Modafinil (Yet to try these)

Exp Year: 2020-2021ExpID: 115371
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 6, 2021Views: 1,274
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Cyclazodone (939) : Various (28), Performance Enhancement (50), Medical Use (47), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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