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Why Would Anyone Want to Take This...
Citation:   Guillotine Fingers . "Why Would Anyone Want to Take This...: An Experience with Quetiapine (exp114716)". Erowid.org. Oct 28, 2020. erowid.org/exp/114716

1 tablet oral Pharms - Quetiapine
I was prescribed this drug by a psychiatrist to help me sleep. I’d been up for three days and was sleeping an average of 12 hours a week. Being Bipolar can be messed up I guess. So I get the drug from the pharmacy, and I’m actually pretty excited at the prospect of getting some sleep. I look the drug up on the internet and while I don’t see anything too positive written about it, I see nothing negative enough to deter me from taking it. Worst case scenario I figured I might spend the night throwing up. It wouldnt be the first time a pill with a nausea warning has made me throw up.

I was so fucking wrong. I had one of the worst nights of my life because of this pill.

I took one pill as prescribed. I sat on the couch with my partner and about an hour later I felt very dizzy, like I had been drinking. I tried playing some video games but honestly couldn’t even focus, and at about 1 hour and 20 minutes after having taken the pill I decided to go to bed.

This is when things got really bad. At first it started with my feet feeling warm. My feel felt hot and uncomfortable. I felt really restless which was frustrating because I also felt really groggy and just wanted to sleep. For some reason my nose became really stuffy and I remember having to breathe through my mouth. Then I started panicking. I started literally having a heavy panic attack which has never happened to me. I have anxiety issues sure, I’m bipolar it comes with the disorder, but I literally freaked the fuck out.

I stumbled out of bed and I can barely balance. I just want to note that balancing was very hard through the whole night and there were times I lost balance and fell. I go to my partner and tell her that I can’t handle this feeling and I’m freaking out. She asks if I’m panicking and I’m pretty sure I screamed yes. She gets me an ice cube and has me squeeze it which weirdly helped. She has a panic disorder so she knows some tricks to help it I guess.

I calm down but I realize I’m starting to hallucinate. I’m seeing animals like penguins and dogs jump out of nowhere. I panic even more and start pacing. My partner asks if I’m ok. I scream no. She hugs me and makes a comment about how my heart is beating so heavy she can feel it just from hugging me. I panic more.

I spend the night getting in and out of bed while freaking out. My heart is pounding like a drum non stop. I’m dodging hallucinated animal entities telling myself it’s ok, that giant white dog that just jumped out at me from nowhere is only a sock on the floor. I keep going to the freezer to grab random ice cubes while I pace around my apartment trying to calm down. I asked my Partner to, at one point, call the emergency room. They told us they couldn’t really do anything to help me besides give me an iv so we decide to let me ride it out at home. It was awful.

The next day I could barely function. If I had had work I would have had to have my Partner call off for me because I could barely speak. I slept the whole day until 7 pm that night. I only got up because I forced myself. I’ve spent the whole night awake which is quite shitty but at least it allowed me to write this. This pill is some serious business. I don’t even know why anyone would want to take this unless they needed it for a serious medical condition.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114716
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Oct 28, 2020Views: 1,071
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Pharms - Quetiapine (273) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Medical Use (47), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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