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Citation:   plumberboy. "Repercussion: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp114697)". Erowid.org. Aug 15, 2023. erowid.org/exp/114697

750 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
T: 1000 pm. I had taken the pills. I was playing gta5 online in my parents house upstairs gameroom. I was 18 at the time and very immature. Did benadryl a lot but never like this.

T:1030 Talking to the people online and they say I sound like I just did heroin. I did not say I took benadryl because at this point I could not talk and I was just too involved in getting to the end of the mission in gta.

T:1100 I got up to use my bathroom in my room. I look over and see my friend sitting on the toilet. He's loading a bowl of weed into a bong. I tell him he can't do that its late and he needs to leave. Two seconds later he disappears. No idea where he went. I text him where is he? No reply. Later I look at the text and its gibberish. I look in my mirror and see everyone I work with sitting on my bed behind me. They say something I can't make out and disappear.

T:1200 Black suv's are pulling into my driveway. I wake my poor father up to tell him what's going on and ask if he sees the cars as well. He says no and why am I up this late and if I'm on drugs. I think I managed to tell him what I took but pretty sure this is also a hallucination because he never did anything about it. At this point I'm no longer even knowing I took anything and think what I'm seeing is real.

1230: Try to fall asleep. I see a cup on my night stand and try to take a swig of some water. When I do it tastes like poison. My cousin popped up from under my bed and told me they're trying to kill me with poison water. So I knocked the cup over and got out of bed. Next thing I see is a black man walk to my bedroom door. He tells me I owe him money for some coke (I have never done coke before) but in this hallucination I guess I have. He points a gun in my face and I slam the door.

1245: I look out the window and see people with machine guns standing on my lawn. I thought they were going to shoot me so I hop into a bathing suit (nothing else) and run to my parents guest room. I see my mother sleeping and I give her a hug. (At this time my mom was out of state and this was a total hallucination. I was hugging a pillow now that I remember.)

1:00am: I run out of my house. I see people chasing me with guns and cops on the sidewalk. I run to the cops trying to surrender and every time I get close enough to them they spawn farther away. I was trying to get help at this point I think I was desperate to find anything that could help me. I was delirious and I could not tell reality from fake.
I was trying to get help at this point I think I was desperate to find anything that could help me. I was delirious and I could not tell reality from fake.

1:30am I was now next to my old elementary school on the sidewalk in just my bathing suit. I saw more people with machine guns hiding in the bushes. I was sure they wanted to kill me. I look over and see a golf course which I ran to. I was considering jumping into the pond to swim away after hearing a gunshot which in my mind sounded like a rifle for hunting. Thank god I did not jump in because I know now I would not have made it. Next thing I see is my old classmate pull up on a bike next to me telling me to follow her. So I did and I ended up back on the bike bath and she disappeared.

6:am I blacked out until this point when the sun started to come up. I remember running on the bike path and being so confused as to where I was. I finally ran into a biker and he was like 50 years old I could still not tell if he was real but I told him to call the cops and have me arrested cuz I was so delirious I didn't know what to do. I laid down on the ground and told him I would not hurt him. I guess about 5 mins later the ambulance shows up and takes me aboard. I remember them asking me continuously to repeat my name about 10 times. At this point I was annoyed but now I get they were trying to have me work my brain to see if I was actually in a psychosis or not.

8:00am Arrive at ER. Catheter up my penis. My dad arrives. He tells me I left our front door wide open and the cops came and talked to him about where I was. I was so embarrassed but still hallucinating that I saw my sister standing next to me along with little kids swinging on the ceiling and pablo escobar standing next to my hospital bed. Next thing I knew I was talking to a health specialist via skype and she said I needed to go to rehab.

100 pm the next day. Headed to rehab for 30 days. No one believed me that I was there because of benadryl and I just got through it. Smoked a lot of cigs and and met some cool people but I'm not an addict so I just did my time knowing it was a repercussion of my stupid actions wanting to try the trip I had heard about on the internet. Never did it again after that. Never will.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 114697
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 15, 2023Views: 446
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Diphenhydramine (109) : Various (28), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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