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Trapped Inside My Mind
LSD & Nitrous Oxide
by yen
Citation:   yen. "Trapped Inside My Mind: An Experience with LSD & Nitrous Oxide (exp114170)". Apr 4, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD
  T+ 3:00 1 cart. inhaled Nitrous Oxide
Background, camping in a pristine location with 5 friends all of whom were tripping.

Consumed 1 tab (@110ug) at ~12:30

Around 1:00 we left our camp after riding the come up and walked over to a nearby waterfall and river style thing that we stayed at for roughly 1:30h because it was so pleasant. At this point despite it being roughly 2:30 I was still getting very minimal visuals, a substantial bit of symmetrical vision but not so much any classic LSD visuals I typically have. Then we decided we could go for a walk up a hill that we had walked up the day prior, the walk was roughly 25 mins each way to where there was a spot we rested at at the end each time. While the walk probably did take 25 while tripping it definitely felt a lot longer than the first time going up and the physical aspect of walking coupled with the heat definitely amped up the trippy-ness.

So we get to the top of where we were aiming which was where suddenly in the middle of forest on either side for ages there was a huge clearing with a big sloping field. We got to a point where there was a big log that was above all of the tall grass, we sat there and looked down on an absolutely awesome view of rolling hills, little farm houses and just a generally perfect day.

At this point we decided we could do a few nitrous chargers (NOS, Whippets), before we started he walk back down. Keep in mind by now this was around 3 and a bit hours into the trip so it definitely was ramping up but I still wasn’t having any majorly apparent visuals so I thought it might kick things up a notch.
I still wasn’t having any majorly apparent visuals so I thought it might kick things up a notch.

This is the point where if went south. I was the first to have a nitrous and as it started all was good but as I started coming around and regaining awareness I could feel an intense feeling of dread. Due to the minimal nature of the visuals I really couldn’t tell that I was tripping and at this point had forgot I took a nitrous as well. As a result I looked back over to my other friends and they were all frozen.

The best way I have been able to remember it in my own head was by describing it like this:

You know when you are looking at one spot for a long time and you sort of fill in the area in your peripheral (for example you may see a clock in your peripheral vision but you can’t actually read anything on it, it’s just your brain filling in gaps with information it knows.) this was kind of the case with the nitrous. As I was regaining consciousness I looked over and it was if my peripheral vision was locked into place so I could see them all sitting there with balloons inflating randomly in their mouths constantly while they were talking. And then they started looking at me and laughing and snickering amongst themselves which to me seemed like these were the entities that were trapping me in this virtual world.

(I also want to make it clear they were doing nothing mean or insidious towards me in real life this was all in my head)

At this point I have figured out that something is not right and that what I’m experiencing isn’t real but I didn’t know why because I didn’t know I was tripping and had had a nitrous. I started yelling at them and moving over to them and like grabbing them (again all in my head) and screaming at them but they just laughed and inflated more balloons. I also had an experience of walking right up to them and them sounding like they were trapped behind a painting, I could smear and touch them but they wouldn’t react and I could still hear them talking and laughing.

At this point I somehow remembered I was tripping, probably because the nitrous was running out of time being effective in the real world even though it had felt like hours. So I tried reaching into my bum bag that I took on the walk that I had kept a Xanax in just in case anyone was having a bad time.

But when I tried to open it the zipper just wouldn’t open no matter how hard I tried (realistically in hindsight it was because I was tripping really hard and In the tail end of a nitrous). Finally I managed to get it open but then I couldn’t pull the baggie out of my bum bag, so at this point I fully freaked out because I thought I was hallucinating all of that as well and that he reason I couldn’t access it was because this was a fake world and the Xanax, my bum bag and everything else didn’t really exist. All of the things that occurred during the nitrous felt infinite and like I was the joke at the centre of some evil simulation.

I then stood up again and started yelling at my friends “is this real is this real” and at this point the nitrous had finally worn off and they were really stunned because I had just been sitting there chilling out and then suddenly jumped up and was freaking out.

After this point it took me around an hour to begin to be able to distinguish what was real and fake
it took me around an hour to begin to be able to distinguish what was real and fake
. I was very close to taking a Xanax at many points throughout this experience but am glad I saved it until right when I wanted to sleep as I feel like a confronted one of the most interesting experiences of my life.

I had many other very interesting visuals on the comedown but nothing came close to the vivid and surreal nature of that experience.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114170
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Apr 4, 2020Views: 955
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Nitrous Oxide (40), LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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