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Horrible Muscle Tension on Comedown
by Filo
Citation:   Filo. "Horrible Muscle Tension on Comedown: An Experience with 1cP-LSD (exp113963)". Feb 13, 2020.

25 ug oral 1cP-LSD (blotter / tab)
So this actually happened to my gf. We were going on a psychedelic night at this club. She took quarter of one 1cp tab and I took aprox quarter of lsd gel (supposedly 400 ug, but was probably weaker). The whole night was going great, we didn't trip a lot, we took it easy, because it was our first time in a club on lsd.

But the problem came when we were taking taxi home. She said that her jaw is like vibrating really bad, it wasn't so much jaw clenching but rather vibration and it hurt. After we both arrived at our homes she texted me that she's having horrible muscle tension and restless leg syndrome, it didn't hurt but was very annoying for her, she also said she was nauseous. She couldn't fall asleep, but that's a normal thing on lsd, but she was also feeling paranoid and scared of the presence of something else (something like after you watch a horror movie). She had dreams about the club and saw faces of the people from the club staring at her, eyes wide open.

The whole next day was nauseous for her, after she went to bed the next day, she had flashbacks on the night before and felt similarly and was afraid that the experience will repeat. But she managed to fall asleep fairly easily and was completely ok the next day.

We actually did 1cp before (I took whole tab and she took half)
We actually did 1cp before (I took whole tab and she took half)
and it was an amazing experience and the come up felt pretty fast. So what happened that night was really unexpected.

Also after each trip she feels scared and paranoid, which is concerning for me. We came to the conclusion that she should have a break from lsd.

Anyways, really interested about your opinions, especially regarding the muscle tension and jaw and what not, do you think that it may be related to the loud music at the club or the enviroment?

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113963
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Feb 13, 2020Views: 3,046
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1cP-LSD (906) : Club / Bar (25), Hangover / Days After (46), General (1)

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