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Like Putting on Shades but as a Gradient
Citation:   Dr. Steve Brule. "Like Putting on Shades but as a Gradient: An Experience with DOM (exp112553)". Nov 11, 2018.

2.5 mg oral DOM
  48 oz oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
This was my first experience with the DOx series, I have taken pretty much every class and sub-class of molecules except 2C-T-x.

I took it within a half hour of waking up because of the long duration. I don't remember it taking particularly long to begin kicking in, maybe 45 minutes. It did, however, take much longer to elevate than LSD.

The visuals were great even at this small dose. The most notable difference between this visual experience compared to LSD, tryptamines, and 2C-x was that brightness/shading over my entire vision shifted at various points in time. I would be like putting on shades but as a gradient. The other visual differences are harder to describe.

The duration was around 15 hours, my entire day, pretty much. I drank four beers near the end to ensure sleep as I usually have a few beers at night recently. My apologies for not real timeline of events.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112553
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Nov 11, 2018Views: 1,126
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DOM (20) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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