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Pleasant Silence
Citation:   whisperthesis. "Pleasant Silence: An Experience with Tapentadol (exp112423)". Oct 31, 2018.

100 mg rectal Tapentadol (liquid)
ROA: Tapentadol (Palexia IR) rectal, dissolved in 5mL warmed tap water.

I have not drunk alcohol in 5 days, it has been over a week since I have ingested tapentadol. I was prescribed it post-op after ORIF for a fracture.

T = 0: I lie in bed waiting for tapentadol to take effect.

T + 20: I get out of bed, motion comes easily.

T + 40: Pleasant feeling of relation, not overwhelming. I observe things with a different clarity, it seems I can only really focus on one thing at a time. Though I can still hear people out on the street (I am on the fifth floor), there is a very pleasant quiet, which is also reverberating withing my mind. I am enjoying a glass of ginger beer with a slice of lemon.

T + 55: I can observe 'tracers' following my finger tips, similar to those I have experienced on LSD. I occasionally have mild HPPD, so there might be no causal connection between the tapentadol and tracers. They are not concerning.

T + 70: Motor function seems slightly deteriorated. Clumsy.

T + 85: I am having trouble focusing my eyesight. My use of f.lux may be partly responsible. Closing my eyes I am met with a short auditory hallucination of a drum kit with some vocals. My skin feels sensitive (not as it does on LSD), touching surfaces is pleasant and even comforting.

T + 95: I begin watching G.I. Joe: Retaliation. God knows if I will finish it.

T + 97: I stop watching the movie.

T + 120: I feel listless, am having trouble deciding what to do. However I do not feel 'down.' The pleasant silence remains.

T + 160: I resolve to go to sleep at this point. I lie down in bed and listen to Dopey podcast.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112423
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 31, 2018Views: 6,842
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Tapentadol (495) : Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1), Alone (16)

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