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A Very Romantic Night With My Wife
Citation:   DavyDXM. "A Very Romantic Night With My Wife: An Experience with Pregabalin (exp108420)". May 4, 2016.

T+ 0:00
600 mg oral Pharms - Pregabalin (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:30 150 mg oral Pharms - Pregabalin (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:30 250 mg oral Pharms - Pregabalin (pill / tablet)
  T+ 8:00 6 mg oral Pharms - Eszopiclone (pill / tablet)
I am a very vanilla guy in his mid-30s who has very little recreational drug experience. In my late 20s I was having some severe emotional problem (deep depression, major anxiety), and a series of third and fourth plateau DXM trips helped me get into my head and identify many problems and insecurities. I did not want to play with it too much further after that because I felt like I had obtained the results I needed to function in society. Also, my therapist (in conjunction with myself) figured out which drugs were best for me to maintain stability.

After getting married, I felt that I could not get close to my wife in a way that she really needed me too, coupled with being incredibly busy completing projects for work with tight deadlines. Unfortunately, DXM is no longer available over the counter where I live; however, I heard that a drug called Lyrica (pregabalin) was available over the counter here, so I went to the pharmacy, asked for a box, and the pharmacist did not even blink an eye. I also got some eszopiclone for the insomnia I've been experiencing (Seroquel does not put me to sleep any more).

There were twenty 50mg pills in the box. A little before 9 PM I took 600mg. About an hour and a half later I began to feel less inhibited; I was talking with my wife about things I might not normally and being brutally (but lovingly) honest about certain things.

Given my weight, I decided to drop another 150mg. I've heard others complain about having difficulty walking, but in my case I was able to keep it under control to a point where no one would notice but me. My wife had no idea I was buzzed so hard. The conversations and interactions were going great; by 11 or 12 AM I decided to finish off the box (another 250mg, for a total of 1g).

Around that time I became very physical with my wife (in a romantic and sexual way) like I had not in a long time. I was able to say genuinely sweet and romantic things that I am perhaps 'too manly' to say otherwise. I played music and the music sounded crisper and more dynamic -- but nothing like the (awesomely) distorted and warped sounds I'd get while listening to music on DXM.

At 5 AM I still had the effects, but decided I needed to sleep and took 6mg of Eszopiclone (first time I ever took it). The taste of these pills is ABSOLUTELY AWFUL. It will linger in your throat for a couple hours even if you swallow them quickly. Nothing interesting happened afterward; I just slept (woke up around 2:30 PM).

I smoked weed once in my life, and the experience was very similar to Lyrica but much stronger (without the need to laugh for seemingly no reason). I did not experience any hallucinations (though I would have liked to). It seems like a harmless drug if not abused (i.e., not taken every day or week). I'm going to revisit this drug in the future, perhaps even for its actual purpose, as the effect it had on my introversion was amazing. One caveat is that it made me EXTREMELY hungry.

I'm writing this the day after at 4 PM. I do not feel anything now really. I'm back to normal with a slight headache. Great experience even if not a 'trip.'

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108420
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: May 4, 2016Views: 14,185
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Pharms - Pregabalin (418) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Sex Discussion (14), First Times (2), General (1)

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