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Mind and Body Enhancer
Amania muscaria
Citation:   Limey. "Mind and Body Enhancer: An Experience with Amania muscaria (exp107383)". May 8, 2018.

1 oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (fresh)
I regularly eat Amanita Muscaria mushrooms in season - about once every ten days. I select a single, healthy, mature mushroom that has had a chance to drop some or all if its spores. It has opened away from its stalk, being flat on top not rounded. It will be about four or six inches tall and the same across the top.

I pull it up with my fingers as far down as possible, so that the bulbous bottom of the base comes up with it. Back home I wipe or rinse and rub it clean. Then I either cut it up into pieces and eat it raw or add it to some garlic cooking in butter. I eat it.

Sometimes things seem amusing after an hour or so, sometimes they don't. In almost all cases I will feel a bit queasy in my stomach for ten minutes or so, half an hour or an hour after eating. Once I drank my own urine an hour or so after eating it. The effects of finding things were more intense that time.

In any case I usually feel more vital and healthy about 36 hours after eating it, for one or two days.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 107383
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 42
Published: May 8, 2018Views: 1,463
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Preparation / Recipes (30), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Unknown Context (20)

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