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The Rock Parade
by Ti
Citation:   Ti. "The Rock Parade: An Experience with Crack (exp10690)". Erowid.org. Mar 23, 2006. erowid.org/exp/10690

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    repeated smoked Crack (freebase)
I had my first experience with crack the other night. I had never really heard much about it. Everyone that I know that does drugs stick to coke, speed, acid and ecstasy.

First off some background information. I have done normal ones. Speed, acid, ecstasy, weed, things like that. And I have found that I have a VERY high tolerance. More than most people. It takes a lot to get me fucked up.

Well the night started off when I went out with some friends. We’ll call them J, M, V, and T. T and I wanted speed that night, seeing as how its been a long time since I have done any drugs besides weed. We became pissed when finding out that the person getting our speed was not home and we could not find him.

Desperate for something, anything, M informed us he could get us crack. So after discussing it, T and I decided that we would take what we could get. So M went and got us some.

We waited until we got back to my apartment and then started smoking it. We were already pretty high, having smoked 5 bowls just the two of us. My first two hits of the crack I was disappointed when I didn’t feel anything. Then on my third hit, my mouth and throat started getting numb and in an instance my body started feeling numb too. I felt disconnected from myself.

We smoked half of what we had and went back in to my room. It was then that I realized just how disconnected I felt. My thoughts were a blur and my whole body felt numb. It was a euphoric feeling though. Like suddenly everything in the world was now okay. T and I sat in my room talking about my nonsense. I didn’t even feel like I was talking. I knew I was but in another sense I felt like I wasn’t.

After smoking more weed and then a few more hits of crack, we went down to the hot tubs at my apartments. As soon as I got in the hot tub I felt something I had never felt before. My whole body just felt fantastic. Almost like a roll but different in some way I can’t quite explain. Sitting in the hot tub I didn’t even want to move. I was content sitting there just letting the feeling take over my body.

It was weird. I could just look at T and now what she was thinking. And I didn’t even have to say anything to her, she knew what I was thinking too. We just sat in the hot tub, closing our eyes and feeling like we were in paradise.

When I got out of the hot tub the feeling increased. Maybe it was the change in temperatures, I don’t know. We walked (or should I say stumbled) back to my apartments and then proceeded to finish off the crack and smoke a little more weed. When we went back in my room I laid down and felt so completely euphoric that I didn’t even want to move. I just lay on my floor, letting my mind drift. I could feel myself going in and out of a conscious state.

Somehow I climbed up to my bed and all I remember is laying there, my body and mind numb and feeling the best I ever have before drifting off to sleep.

The experience was strange. It was somewhere between a roll and speed. My body felt great yet I still felt like I did when I smoked speed except more calmed down.

I can understand how people could get addicted so easily and will not do it again for awhile. But all in all it was a good experience and I liked it. The next morning I felt a little tired but that passed as I got up and started doing things. I am lucky enough to be able to do something once in awhile and not get addicted.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10690
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 23, 2006Views: 26,076
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Crack (82) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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