Very Impressed Indeed
Citation:   Arthur221. "Very Impressed Indeed: An Experience with Methylone (exp106688)". May 22, 2018.

T+ 0:00
125 mg oral Methylone
  T+ 1:00 125 mg oral Methylone
8:00 pm > t=0

125mg ingested orally. Almost empty stomach. Alkaline environment.

Nothing so far. Stomach feeling irritated. Feeling disappointed. 125mg oral.

Starting to come up. Empathy creeping in slowly similar to MDMA.

Starting to peak, this is a very nice peak in my opinion. Very calm and not too stimulated. I am happy sitting down most of the time.

Wow. Amazed by the peak of this compound. Really euphoric, senses in overdrive. Heart beating fast (120bpm) Jaws clenching.

Everything in my life right now is perfect. Brilliant peak. Music appreciation amplified greatly. Feeling fucking great.
Brilliant peak. Music appreciation amplified greatly. Feeling fucking great.

The peak stays for 3 hours very surprisingly! I am very impressed. Sudden loss of empathy in a matter of about 2 mins. Feeling nostalgic about the experience.

The last half an hour hasn't been great, with my mind circulating with very nihilistic thoughts. Not a great experience.

Nevertheless, I have no urge to redose anything at all. A benzo might be helpful now, but I don't really want anything else.

The next two hours is spent trying to fall asleep. Unlike MDMA, this compound kept me stimulated for a long while. Teeth still clenching slightly. This period is not necessarily bad, in fact I was feeling pretty normal. But I was trying to get to sleep.

Next day
Slept for 2 hours. Woke up the next day feeling all fine apart from stomach irritation which lasted about 2 hours. A bit of an afterglow as well perhaps.

Overall comments and conclusions

This compound is mostly compared to MDMA so that is what I will do. The peak from this is not as intense as md, but regardless it is extremely enjoyable. For some reason the peak lasted quite long for me, way more than the md peak. It was very nice indeed!

The empathy from this compound isn't as strong as md either, which makes it suitable for different situations. There still definitely is a lot of love for others, but I wouldn't want to hug every stranger I see. There were definitely points in the experience where I'd say 'this shit is as good as md'.

Another important point to discuss was the cardiovascular effects of this compound. My heart rate until T=8 was raised to greater than 2 beats per second, and often arrhythmatic. To compare, it normally sits at 60-70 BPM resting. I wouldn't take it if I had heart problems just to stay on the safe side.

To conclude, I found this compound as good as md, in different ways. Though I did not get as intense euphoria, it was elongated over a larger time frame (3hr peak) which I seem to like better. I guess the only downside is the excessive stimulation after the empathy and euphoria has died down, and the period of nihilism as I started to comedown.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 106688
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: May 22, 2018Views: 1,237
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Methylone (255) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Unknown Context (20)

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