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Surprise Addiction
Citation:   thousandpoundbaby. "Surprise Addiction: An Experience with Ethylphenidate (exp106312)". Erowid.org. Apr 30, 2017. erowid.org/exp/106312

  repeated insufflated Ethylphenidate (powder / crystals)
My history of drug use is probably pretty conventional, and almost exclusively positive. Weed use very occasionally for the last decade, and more interesting psychedelics / md-like stimulants since then. Don't want to be too specific, but most of the usuals. Never cocaine or heroin, mainly for ethical reasons. It sounds stupid, and I know that the black market involves a lot of exploitation and violent crime that you can't always know about, but with things like coke you just know that somewhere along the line you have blood on your hands for 15 minutes worth of feeling like a king. I'm not judging those who do these drugs, but I can't let myself. My attitude is that once they legalise and get that fairtrade coke up and running, I might have a bash.

As far as my use of stimulants goes, its mainly been Empathogen-entactogen fun rather than the speed/coke dopamine end of things. Last year I decided I wanted to find a dopaminergic drug to get a vague idea of what the coke insufflating thing was like without buying it (for the above reasons), and the best candidate seemed to be Ethylphenidate. Given its similarity to methylphenidate I had the idea that I could use it as a study aid and occasionally party stim. As a study aid it worked reasonably well, and I did really enjoy the high. Downsides included the GOD awful nasal burn, which was my first ever insufflated drug experience... I'm sure you can imagine my displeasure. Although it was fun, I found it too moreish which resulted in small binges and:

A) a bloody nose, and
B) a trip to the doctors for mild chest pains and irregular heart beat that persisted intermittently after a night out combining it (roughly 200-250 mg in 3 lines over the night) with alcohol. I had barely consumed the gram I originally bought, and got rid of the rest.
I had barely consumed the gram I originally bought, and got rid of the rest.
Heart tests came back fine, and I stopped having symptoms after a month or so. I concluded that since EPH was only fun up the nose (tried bombing and plugging with little success) and I didn't want to reem my precious membranes and cartilage beyond repair, it would be gone for good. Fine.

Then the UK suddenly banned EPH along with its analogues, and to my surprise I found myself looking for it on the black market. My reaction totally took me by surprise - I realised that I had definitely not decided to leave the stuff alone – in reality I knew that I was just having a break from it for a while and intended to continue where I had left off. Having never felt any kind of addictive tendencies towards any other drug before despite semi frequent use, and it having been several months since I had used it, I surprised myself with my behaviour. I was still somehow, out of the blue, prepared to buy another batch and face the consequences that had scared me away previously. Heart problems, scarred nose lining, etc. are not things to be taken lightly but still I searched in vain through distributors, probably hoping that some would be risking its sale or putting out close analogues.

As it turned out, I couldn't find any. I'm glad I couldn't. I'm not a proponent of drug control, but I feel like this ban was probably a good thing for myself and potentially many others since as far as I can see Ethylphenidate is physically harmful in even small quantities, and just addictive enough to stop me from caring about the damage it does.

I'm not going to post any detail on the positive effects of the chemical – suffice it to say that I was prepared to go back to it despite the risks that I had experienced first hand. It was a good high, but objectively not worth it.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 106312
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Apr 30, 2017Views: 2,397
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Ethylphenidate (563) : Not Applicable (38), Performance Enhancement (50), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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