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Modest Experiment With Tea
Poppies - Opium
Citation:   jetgirl. "Modest Experiment With Tea: An Experience with Poppies - Opium (exp105584)". Sep 12, 2018.

12 oz oral Poppies - Opium (tea)
Modest Experiment With Poppy Seed Tea

I got a new teapot for Christmas and was experimenting with various spices in the kitchen as tea. I got the notion to try tea made of poppy seeds, but something in me suggested I look it up on the internet first. Sure enough, people do this and it's highly effective and dreadfully addictive. However the quantities they use are huge. I thought I'd give it a go with only a quarter cup of seeds from the bulk department.

I threw them in the teapot with some water and let it sit for the better part of a day before I thought about it again. I'd say it was steeping for around 10 hours. I poured out a liquid that was a slightly darkish amber colour. The taste was not awful, tolerable, soft and murky but not unpleasant. I drank about 12 oz of the tea.

Later that evening I noticed a general grogginess and a few moments when my thinking sort of throbbed for a bit in a dull confused way. I had difficulty focusing on some computer tasks I was trying to do (programming). I slept well enough.

The next day I noticed a short lived wave of nausea. The nausea returned in successively longer but less intense waves throughout that day.

The following day I felt only a tick better, but still awful. Everything I ate tasted bad - even water didn't taste right. I had the worlds worst stomach ache all day long. Drinking orange juice throughout the day seemed to alleviate it somewhat.

The third day after (today), I am better, but not great. Still feel unwell. I feel general malaise and vaguely sick.

Now I think I have a hint of what opiate addicts must go through when they withdraw. I didn't get the joy, so I have no desire to do this ever again.

I hope it won't take 10 days of this sick feeling to finally go away. I absolutely do not recommend trying poppy seed tea to anyone ever.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 105584
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 42
Published: Sep 12, 2018Views: 2,822
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Poppies - Opium (43) : Alone (16), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), General (1)

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