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Seeing Buddha On The Beach
by Ric
Citation:   Ric. "Seeing Buddha On The Beach: An Experience with 2C-B (exp103289)". Jan 9, 2018.

T+ 0:00
13 mg oral 2C-B (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:45 6.5 mg oral 2C-B (pill / tablet)
After a year of backpacking, and with that being introduced to various drugs that I have never done before - I was back in Australia, bored, and keen to explore the boundaries of human experience further. Travel changed me in ways that are difficult to explain - and re-connecting with former friends and a previous lifestyle is challenging. Psychedelics proved to be an effective method to escape from the structure and banality of day to day life, and the way of thinking associated with this.

This is the first time I was to take 2-CB. The setting was at a local beach, with a close friend, G. She decided she’d use a vaporiser while I was tripping on the 2C-B. Before we got out of the car, I took one 13mg Miffy tablets, that I ordered from the Silk Road.

It was low tide, and we spent some time looking at scuttling crabs, tiny prawns in the water, and admired the curious seagulls, who gathered around us once we took a seat on some concrete steps. I noticed how they didn’t have eyelids, and never blinked. G, on the other hand, mentioned their likeness to little people, and at one point genuinely mentioned how she just realised they lacked arms. At around 45 minutes since ingesting the pill, I experienced a mild increase in vividness of colours, and a marked increase of being present in the moment.

I took another 1/2 (6mg) of another tablet. We wander to a nearby strip of shops, and I realise the first marked visual differences to my perception. I began to feel nauseous, and had an odd sensation in my stomach, however this was bearable. We’re waiting to cross at a traffic light, and cars that speed by, seem to have a silver trail that hangs in the air and dissipates shortly afterwards. I’m keen to return to the beach, so we do.

At around an hour and half from the first pill: I’m walking along the coastline, and in awe, I stare at the sky. A strange symmetry begins to unfold before my eyes, a complex series of intricate patterns that multiply, and briefly form coherent, interpretable images. For a moment, the massive outline of a reclining Buddah appears before me, and acknowledges my presence. This moment, is perhaps one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen - the silvery, shifting, patterns of the clouds manipulated by my brain to form an image of inner peace, emotional balance and clarity.

I almost cry. After this, the realisation sets in that this momentous occasion was facilitated by a psychedelic, and that I should aim for the most meaningful moments of my life to be sober. I am still undecided on this one. We briefly talk and laugh about why I didn’t see Jesus (I was raised Christian). For the next 2 hours, I literally spend with my head towards the sky, absorbed by its beauty. 2C-B facilitated open communication between me and my friend, and helped me simplify and understand things that were happening in my life. Comparing these realisations with those experienced on LSD however, 2C-B facilitated epiphanies seemed superficial, logical.

The only negative about the experience, was worrying that other people thought of me. There were a couple of other people out that day, and every now and then I’d worry I was looking at the sky too much (LOL).

A few hours later, I attend a yoga class with another friend. The time since I took the first tablet is approximately 5 hours. My visuals seemed back to normal, however my ability to focus on myself seemed to improve. Clarity was present. Whether this was a direct impact from the drug, or whether it was because I had an enlightening experience earlier in the day, is difficult to tell.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103289
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jan 9, 2018Views: 1,046
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2C-B (52) : General (1), Various (28)

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