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Dabbing and Delusion
Citation:   cutepandabear. "Dabbing and Delusion: An Experience with Hash (exp101456)". Feb 19, 2020.

1 hit smoked Cannabis - Hash
Prior to this experience, I had regularly smoked weed with friends on the weekends, and had also experimented with mdma, mushrooms, and coke. None of these experiences compared to how I felt the first time I smoked hashish. I was a 19 year old college student at the time and I was in the car with a guy who I thought was my friend. We were on the way to his apartment. In the car, he asked if I had ever dabbed before. I was not familiar with the term, but I agreed to try it, thinking it was the same thing as weed. He said that the hashish we were going to smoke was 90% thc, which meant nothing to me at the time. I did not realize until doing research after my experience that regular weed is only 10-15% thc.

Although I had smoked weed plenty before, I did not nearly have the tolerance that the two guys I smoked with had
I did not nearly have the tolerance that the two guys I smoked with had
because they had been smoking weed all day everyday for many years. I took a hit of the bong, which had to be lit with a blowtorch, which I thought was quite odd. I remember as soon as I took the hit, which was pretty big, I started coughing a ton. It was about 2 minutes later that I realized something odd was happening. At this point, I realized that what I was experiencing was not the same high that I normally get from weed, but much more intense.

I thought maybe if I sat outside on the balcony, things would get better. As soon as I sat down outside, I realized that the drug was hitting me very hard and very fast. I became frightened and started to shake. I remember I was holding a cup of water, but my hands were shaking so much that the water spilled all over me, but I hardly noticed. I sat down on a chair outside, trying to calm myself down. I noticed that my cheeks were incredibly warm, and I felt quite nauseous. My vision was becoming very grainy, and at that point I knew that I was probably going to pass out.

I declared to the guy who had followed me outside to take care of me that I was about to pass out, but it would be ok because I was sitting down and to just leave me be. I felt myself drift, and for a few seconds, I believe I did go unconscious. However, I heard the guy say my name, and that brought me back a little. I realized I must have alarmed him by lying in this chair unresponsive, so I opened my eyes and sat up a little. For the rest of the peak, which I honestly had no sense of time during, I sat in the chair breathing in and out and trying to just calm myself down.

At some point, I got to a place where the high subsided a little, and I reached a plateau, which is where I remained for the next hour or so. I would go in and out of the vortex. At some points, I would start to feel better, almost happy, but then I would sink back into that panic stage and would have to do my breathing exercises again. I would often begin to say something, but as soon as I started talking I would forget my train of thought and just completely forget what I was saying. At some point, the guy was able to convince me to go back inside, where I watched TV for the remainder of this ordeal.

After learning more about hashish and dabbing, I have chalked this bad experience up to the fact that I did not really have a weed tolerance, because I don’t smoke enough to have one. I am also a very petite girl, and drugs hit me very quickly and hard. The hashish I smoked was way too intense for me, and I was unable to handle the high that it gave me.

I don’t think I will ever touch hashish again after this experience, and I would only recommend dabbing to someone who is so used to regular weed that they don’t even get high off of it anymore.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101456
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 19, 2020Views: 934
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Cannabis - Hash (93) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5)

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