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Citation:   Warlock. "Super-Dose: An Experience with Huperzine (exp100134)". Apr 13, 2018.

800 mg oral Smarts - Oxiracetam  
      Vitamins / Supplements  
    oral Huperzine (powder / crystals)
7 AM
So yesterday I took the following stack: 800 mg Oxiracetam, 400 mg N-Acetl-L-Tyrosine (NALT), 1000 mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR), and unfortunately, a 600-700 microgram equivalent of huperzine A. I've taken the stack often (minus hup A) for the past 2 months on an empty stomach just prior to my morning runs with no problems. And I recently added hup A, as I just ordered it the week after doing my research on it (regrets here I know). So I ordered a 1% pure 99% fluff mix of hup A so I could measure it, instead of buying capsules. I read on the package 10 milligrams was a single dose, so I figured 10 milligrams was equivalent to 10 micrograms for a 99% pure batch. So, somewhat luckily, I figured I’d go slow and take a 50 microgram equivalent. Well, somewhere between 60 and 70 milligrams landed on the scale and I gulped my stack down. As you’ll come to see, I didn't take a 60-70 microgram equivalent.

10 AM
I felt fine until I ate breakfast 2.5 hours after my 7 AM run. Then about half an hour after that I felt sick to my stomach and later vomited for half an hour. I thought that was the end of it, and boy was I wrong. I left for school at 10:30 AM (barely catching my bus). And surprisingly felt again nauseous, irritable, and anxious the whole way. It was an agonizing 20 minute bus ride, and about midway through I just wanted to get off at a random spot and puke. But instead I held it in till I arrived at school. I spent about 15 minutes finding a good bathroom where my vomiting couldn't be heard turns out the library was not the best place to start.

11 AM
My class started at 11 and I finally arrived at 11:30 after puking out the rest of my breakfast and probably what I had for dinner the night before too. Well in class my learning abilities were stifled significantly, I spent most of the time with my hand on my head trying to acquire a position that made me feel less nauseous.

12 PM - 7 PM
Went to my next class and drank some water to replenish the fluid I had lost. I ended up walking out mid-lecture because I felt so nauseous, irritable, and anxious. The next 2 hours were spent over the school toilet, and then finally left for home (bus schedules, need I say more). When I got home I threw up some more, made some tea ate some tapioca to replenish. Went to sleep felt back to normal, ate some more tapioca and tea and again threw up half an hour later. After that bout I took an alka-seltzer and was fine the rest of the day.

If you've gotten this far it’s paid off because I’m going to reveal the conversion I should have used/known/believed. So, for a 100% (approximately 99%) purity, if 100 micrograms is the dose, then a 10% purity batch will require 1000 micrograms which is 1 milligram.

And for a 1% purity batch, it will require 10 times that of the 10% batch which equates to 10,000 micrograms or 10 milligrams. So I basically took 6-7 times a regular dose. I’m planning on taking a week-long break from nootropics to avoid tolerance and sickness.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100134
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Apr 13, 2018Views: 4,006
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Huperzine  (474) : Combinations (3), Health Problems (27), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Overdose (29), Various (28)

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